





喷塑机工艺流程是前处理(除油、除锈、磷化);静电喷涂;高温固化(参照塑粉要求温度,一般为160~210度); 出炉冷却。 Injection molding machine process is pre-treatment (except oil, rust and phosphating); Electrostatic spraying; High temperature curing (referring to the temperature of the molding powder, usually 160 ~ 210 degrees); Cooling. 粉末由枪嘴喷出时,形成带电涂料粒子,它受静电力的作用,被吸到与其极性相反的工件上去,随着喷上的粉末增多,电荷积聚也越多,当达到一定厚度时,由于产生静电排斥作用,便不继续吸附,从而使整个工件获得一定厚度的粉末涂层,然后经过热使粉末熔融、流平、固化,即在工件表面形成坚硬的涂膜。 Powder formed from gun nozzle jet, the coating of charged particles, it is the role of the electrostatic force, sucked into its polar opposite workpiece, with the increase in the number of powder spray, is, the more charge accumulation, when reaches a certain thickness, because produce electrostatic repulsion, will not continue to adsorption, so that the workpiece to obtain a certain thickness of powder coating, and then after heat to make powder melt and flow flat, curing, namely in the form of hard coating surface. 喷漆时,外部空气经过初级过滤网过滤后由风机送到房顶,再经过顶部过滤网二次过滤净化后进入房内。房内空气采用全降式,以0.2-0.3m/s的速度向下流动,使喷漆后的漆雾微粒不能在空气中停留,而直接通过底部出风口被排出房外。这样不断地循环转换,使喷漆时房内空气清洁度达98%以上,且送入的空气具有一定的压力,可在车的四周形成一恒定的气流以去除过量的油漆,从而最大限度地保证喷漆的质量。 When spray painting, the external air is filtered by the primary filter and then the fan is sent to the roof, and then the filter is filtered through the top filter to enter the room. The air in the room is fully lowered, flowing downward at the speed of 0.2-0.3 m/s, so that the paint mist can not stay in the air after painting, while the air outlet is discharged directly through the outlet of the bottom outlet. This cycle transformation unceasingly, to paint the room air cleanliness of more than 98%, and into the air with certain pressure, can form a constant flow around the perimeter of the car to remove excess paint, to maximize the guarantee the quality of paint. 虽然喷塑机和烤漆机的工作性质是一样的,但之间还是存在很多不同的,所以才能同时在市场中立足。 Although the working nature of the injection molding machine and the paint machine is the same, there are many differences between them, so we can get a foothold in the market at the same time.


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版权 © 河北静电喷塑机厂 网址:pensuji.89ix.com  推荐:静电喷塑机,自动静电喷塑设备,粉末喷塑机
